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        Faaliyet Raporu Sorumluluk Beyanı

        Finansal Tablo Niteliği

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        İlgili ŞirketlerRelated Companies[]İlgili FonlarRelated Funds[]İngilizceEnglishTürkçeTurkishoda_RepresentationLetterForOperatingReviewReportConsolidatedAbstract|Faaliyet Raporu Sorumluluk BeyanıRepresentation Letter for Operating Review Reportoda_CorrectionAnnouncementFlag| Yapılan Açıklama Düzeltme mi?Correction Notification FlagHayır (No)Hayır (No)oda_DateOfThePreviousNotificationAboutTheSameSubject| Konuya İlişkin Daha Önce Yapılan Açıklamanın TarihiDate Of The Previous Notification About The Same Subject--oda_BoardDecisionDateAndNumberForApprovalOfOperatingReviewReportAbstract| Faaliyet Raporunun Kabulüne İlişkin Yönetim Kurulu Karar Tarihi ve SayısıBoard Decision Date and Number for Approval of Operating Review Reportoda_BoardDecisionDate| Yönetim Kurulu Karar TarihiBoard Decision Date03/09/202403/09/2024oda_BoardDecisionNumber| Karar SayısıBoard Decision Number2024/232024/23oda_RepresentationLetterPreparedAccordingToRelatedCMBCommuniqueAbstract| SPK'nın İlgili Tebliği Çerçevesinde Hazırlanan Sorumluluk BeyanıRepresentation Letter Prepared According To Related CMB Communiqueoda_ExplanationTextBlock|STATEMENT OF RESPONSIBILITY PREPARED PER CMB'S FINANCIAL REPORTING COMMUNIQUE SERIES N0: II-14.1., ARTICLE 9  BOARD DECISION ON APPROVAL OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND OPERATING REVIEW REPORT     RESOLUTION DATE         : 03.09.2024RESOLUTION NUMBER  :  2024/23   As per CMB regulations; the explanatory notes together with the unconsolidated summary balance sheet, income statement, statement of comprehensive income, cash flow statement and statement of changes in equity as well as the interim report (Financial Reports) prepared by the Company and limited independent audited by PwC Bağımsız Denetim ve Serbest Muhasebeci Mali Müşavirlik Anonim Şirketi for the period January 1 – June 30, 2024 and that has been prepared under CMB's Communiqué Series N II.14.1 "Communique On Principles of Financial Reporting in Capital Markets" ("Communique") and the principle decision on inflation accounting application dated 28.12.2023, Turkish Financial Reporting Standards ("TFRS") and the mandatory formats defined by Capital Market Board ("CMB"),  ·                    Has been analysed,·                    To the best of our knowledge and inline with our Company roles and responsibilities, in all material respects, does not contain any untrue representations or any omissions that would lead to misleading conclusions as at disclosure date,·                    To the best of our knowledge and inline with our Company roles and responsibilities, the unconsolidated summary financial statements prepared in line with the Communique, fairly reflect the Company's assets, liabilities, financial position and profit and loss and the interim report fairly represents the development and performance of the business and the Company's financial position as well as the risks and uncertainties that face the Company, and we hereby represent and state that we are responsible over the disclosures.  Best Regards,   Haluk Ziya Türkmen                           Mehmet Ormancı                      Hüseyin Yalçın  Chairman of the Audit Committee      Audit Committee Member         SERMAYE PİYASASI KURULUNUN  II-14.1. SAYILI SERMAYE PİYASASINDA FİNANSAL RAPORLAMAYA İLİŞKİN ESASLAR TEBLİĞİ'NİN 9. MADDESİ GEREĞİNCE HAZIRLANAN SORUMLULUK BEYANI